At Doctor Greene’s, we promote the concept of good foot care and good feet for life. We recognise how foot problems can affect our normal daily functioning, as well as our work, exercise and recreational activities. Through an understanding of how the foot works and early recognition of problems we can intervene to prevent further damage and enable recovery.
As healthcare professionals, we have formulated a practical guide to help identify your particular foot problem, with advice on how to best manage.
The days are getting longer, the sunny days are returning, it can mean only one time of the year – Exam Time and with it the dreaded “Exam Stress”. For many it can be the all-consuming Leaving Cert, for others end of year or college exams but either way the anxiety exams cause is upon us and our extended families once again.
When winter is finally over, nothing feels better than longer days and spending time outside in the warm spring sun, especially this year after enduring restrictions for what seems for ever. However, for some people it can mean the return of the dreaded Hayfever Season and an extended period of sneezing, puffy streaming eyes, and a runny nose.
So what is Hayfever? What symptoms are involved? How best can it be treated? And is there any way to enjoy summer walks in the park?
According to leading Irish medical experts, “Along with mask-wearing, hand-washing, social-distancing and cough etiquette, taking vitamin D supplements will give the Irish population a degree of protection against Covid19 while the vaccine is being rolled out"